Living City系列產品特色為稜角設計,由於採用模塊化系統,洗臉盆可提供多種寬度,輕薄簡約的設計又滿足大小空間的擺放。
Living City的設計理念是針對現代生活於各種環境中的人們,創造出一種對物質的認識和對瓷器敏銳度的生活環境。
“Living City將陶瓷製造的藝術推向了極限,極其扁平的表面和清晰邊緣的洗臉盆似乎漂浮在牆壁前,這就是優雅衛生潔具的典範。
“Living is designed to fulfil very personal wishes and needs. Features common to the series are function and quality, down to the last detail and a wide variety of ceramic pieces and furniture. Living City is designed according to rigorous architectonic criteria. Cubical and geometrical. The lower-lying moulded storage surface lends the basin an unusual flair and is at the same time, highly practical – its surface unmarred by joints and more or less indestructible. Living Style’s vibrancy stems from a lavish horizontal gesture and the exceptionally shallow basin, their undulations creating a highly original and subtle beauty. The double washbasin responds to modern living à deux and is the most expressive element of the series.“
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